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Clément 1970

Product name: Clément 1970

Brand: Clément
Alcohol by volume: 44%
Alcohol proof:
Age: 21 Years
Produced since: 1970
Country of OriginMartinique

(1 vote)


Tasting Notes
Extremely Smooth. Clément 1970 is the impossibly deep shade of brown that finely polished copper takes on a few days after a patina begins to develop, or that a vintage rhum aged for more than two decades exhibits if well-tended.

I’m shaking while preparing to open Clément 1970, the most expensive bottle of rum ever purchased by the Rum Gallery. Life is short, however, and since I earned what this rhum cost me, I press on. Full of anticipation, I peel the foil cover from the cap; pull the cork, and … the aromas emanating from it alone are intoxicating.

In my glass, dozens of miniature leg droplets form at the top of the trace of swirled rhum, yet few fall, while most are content to linger until they evaporate; the ultimate sacrifice to my anticipation.

A woody bouquet of star anise greets my nose before heavier aromas of mild & sweet pipe tobacco smoke, charred wood and fresh oak. More subtle are aromas of butter and vanilla; but every nasal aspect of this vintage rhum is so gentle and finely meshed that critical organoleptic dissection misses the point: Clément 1970 trumps my olfactory skills. As if sniffing didn’t saturate with pleasure, initial tasting repeats all the flavors of the aromas, in the same measures, only each is more pronounced and BIGGER. How I love a rhum that keeps on giving. Clément 1970 sips so impeccably smooth that it’s easy to get lost in the rhum. Yet finally, the medium body is kind on the palate, with an encore that begins slightly dry but lingers well into a sweet finish.



Clément 1970
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