My name is Steven James, I’m based in Cheshire, UK. I’ve been enjoying rum for a while now….well, since my early childhood where my grandfather would sneak a little navy rum into a milky cup of coffee! My real interest started about 12 years ago when I first met my wife. She was a keen rum drinker and I followed suit.
I enjoyed drinking rum, but then became curious about the differing styles of rum. This then led me to read into the differing production methods and this then snowballed into a real passion for the spirit. This passion grew into a desire to write about rum after friends encouraged me to get my thoughts down for others to read. In the middle of 2012, I finally decided to take the plunge and start the venture that you see before you…..Rum Diaries Blog.
I have well over 100 bottles of rum in my collection now of varying styles and ages and at some point, all of them will be written about on my site. This blog is an independent concern with no ties to any producer and I do not get paid to write these articles…..if I write that I enjoy a certain rum, it’s because I really do enjoy that rum, I’m not fulfilling a duty.
I am keen to stress that my site is based entirely on my opinions as someone who has to go out and purchase the rum himself. I have an endless supply of passion, ambition and willingness to learn about rum and to spread the word to other likeminded people. Rum is a fun spirit, it brings people together over a shared interest and if you’re lucky, a shared bottle.
It should be celebrated and it should be encouraged to take up its rightful position in the grand scheme of things. There is a wonderful world of rum that exists and it is this world that I hope to encourage you to step into.

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