Ron Cartavio Solera 12 Years
Product name: Ron Cartavio Solera 12 Years
Brand: Ron Cartavio
Distillery: Destilerias Unidas Peruano
Alcohol by volume: 40%
Alcohol proof:
Age: 12 Years
Produced since:
Country of Origin: Peru
The traditional Old Rum of Solera is produced at the hacienda of Captain Don Domingo de Cartavio. The Old Rum of Solera is obtained with patience and special care based on tradition and experience.The Rum’s Master uses ancestral techniques to select and harmoniously blend a variety of rums from 5 to 15 years of aging in Slovenian oak barrels.
This rum is made using the famous Solera technique adopted in the region of Jerez in Spain, where the finest Brandy was produced. After several years, the oldest rums are transferred from barrel to barrel, in the cascade process, and are blended with the younger rums.During the aging process the rums change to a very dark color, at a harmonious balance, achieving roundness, maturity.
They also add spices, light chocolate, light coffee, and dried fruits. The result is sweet and smooth rum. The high quality of this rum is evident through all the steps in its manufacturing process. Enjoy it alone or on the rocks.
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2009 Silver Medal -The San Francisco World Spirits Cartavio Solera Rum
2007 Gold Medal – The Beverage Testing Institute Cartavio Solera Rum
2006 Silver Medal – Cane Spirits Festival Cartavio Solera Rum
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